Thursday, November 30, 2006

Gracie Barra BJJ Cup in Los Angeles
The Brazilian BJJ brown belt and Gracie Barra professor Lucas Pires is organizing a BJJ championship in Los Angeles, USA, called Gracie Barra Culver Cup. The event will be held on Saturday, December 16th at Gracie Barra Academy in Culver City . The event promises to rocks the city for all the day, the event starts at 10am and goes through all the day. For bigger information or any doubts, contact the number (310) 8389838 or 310 7046548 to talk to Gerson.

BJJ rocks at Rio de Janeiro
By Samira Bonfim and Bernardo Seabra
Surprises happened at Tijuca Tennis Club, in Rio de Janeiro during the Brazilian Championship by Teams on last November 25th. Last year the Nova Geração team and Gracie Barra BH were the great names of the competition, but at this time Gracie Barra dominated the light ones and Brasa was the big name of the heavy ones.
Brasa & Gracie Barra: the heavy duel
In the semifinal, the Brasa team got Igor Silva, André Galvão and Rodrigo Comprido, guaranteeing the team in the final with Gracie Barra, that defeated Brazilian Company by 3x1, with victories of Antonio Braga, Paulo Nogueira and Macio Pé-de-Pano.
The so waited final was decided in four bouts. In the first one, Alexandre Dantas lost to Robert Drysdale by 2x1, by advantages and Antonio Braga drew to Barra submitting Igor Silva by choke at 8:12. In the best bout of the event, André Galvão defeated Márcio Pé-de-Pano by 4x1 by advantages and Theodoro Prata closed the victory defeating Paulo Nogueira by 8x0.
Brasa dominates the light category
Beyond making the final of the heavy category, the Gracie Barra team didn’t have adversaries in the light category and got no defeats. The first victim was the team Empório da Luta/ Nova Geração, that declassified the Infight team in the previous stage. The Gracie Barra won by 3x0, with victories of João Rangel, Leonardo Leite and Celso Vinicius.
The first bout of the final was between João Rangel and Wallace Castro, and the athlete from Gracie Barra won by 5x0. After that, Rodrigo Magalhães defeated Denilson Pimenta by only 2 advantages. In the last bout, Leonardo Leite, Gracie Barra brown belt of only 21 years old, repeated the good performance of the semifinal and won Teodoro Canal by 2 x 0. In the end of the fight, the team mate of Leonardo, Celso Vinícius, didn’t like that the Brasa team didn’t have any athlete in the category light. “I wasn’t training, I wasn’t even fight at this Championship, I decided to fight when I knew that the Brasa athletes were going to fight, but nobody showed up”, said him.

Black House “open house” at Rio
The inauguration of the new MMA team from , the Black House, was held on last Monday at Recreio dos Bandeirantes, in Rio de Janeiro . The small party took place at the huge Training Center (900 m2) between a octagon, one ring and two dojos close to a gym space of 1000m2. “Our training structure is the biggest one of the world”, said the technician director of the team Carlão Barreto, one of the owners of the project with Jorge Guimarães (entrepreneur of the athletes) and Rogério Camões (responsible by the physical preparation of the athletes). Beyond some TV actors, some of the biggest names of fighting in Brazil were there, as like Minotauro e Minotouro, Vítor Belfort, Pezão, Drago, Jucão, Buscapé, Roberto Roleta, Paquetá; the trainers Luís Alves, Paulo Nikolai, Sérgio Cunha e Paulo Nikolai and the entrepreneurs Walmir Barroso (NO GI) e Eddie (Sinister), who came from United States specially to watch the inauguration.
According to Barreto, the Black House is not just a MMA team, but will be also a fight academy that since December 4th will be having some classes of BJJ (with Roleta, Nigue and Sérgio Babu), Savate (with Richard), Submission (with Milton Vieira), Boxing (with Wagner Coelho, Fábio Coelho and Cesário) and Wrestling (Gilberto Arbués). About the MMA team, Barreto said that the names are still being defined. “We already have Sérgio Babú (submission) e Gilberto Arbués (Wrestling) as trainers and soon we will define the Muay Thai and Boxing ones. And as fighters we already have Vítor Belfort, Anderson Silva is already negotiating, Marcelo Bocão and great new talents as Daniel Lustrol, Fabrício Carledi, Edson Paredão and Boi, all of them from Campinas”, said Carlão.
Carlão said that the famous night MMA trainings that used to put together people from other teams as Minotauro, Babalu, Minotouro, Pezão and Draggo, won’t happen again. “Minotauro, Minotouro and all the athletes who train here from the night are great friends of mine, but business is business and with the Black House I must be professional, so it is sad to say that these athletes won’t be able to come here to train anymore. Our MMA team trainings will be held everyday from 10am to midday”, concluded Barreto.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Saturday, December 9, 2006
Where: Wrestling Hall (Gate 5), Main Stadium Gelora Bung Karno, Senayan,
Central Jakarta
Registration/Weigh-Ins: 8:00 AM Technical Meeting: 10:00 AM
Start Time: 10:00 AM
The Indonesian Grappling Federation is extending a cordial invitation to all
martial artists to the Djarum Super Submission Championship on December 9,
2006 in Jakarta, Indonesia.
The Championship will be a great opportunity for all students of the
grappling arts in South East Asia, including Jiu-Jitsu, Wrestling, Sambo,
Judo, Aikido, Hapkido, Jeet Kun Do, Tai-Chi, Karate, Penjak Silat, Kung Fu
and any other grappling art to come together to compete and exchange
techniques in a friendly and competitive environment. All styles of martial
art are welcome to join this competition.

BJJ Worlds' History
GRACIEMAG.com features, especially for its readers, the complete history of the Jiu-Jitsu World Championship, from its beginning in 1996 all the way to present day. Divided into several parts, it will give the reader the opportunity to remember great moments, amazing fighters and also have a better view of the development of the sport over the last 10 years. Enjoy.
Making history
The tale of the first-ever black-belt Jiu-Jitsu world champions
The warm-up area has a few athletes in it. On the mat, Ricardo Liborio gives his opponent, Remco Pardoel, the evil eye, who gives it right back. Short and stocky, the one considered, at the time, by master Carlson Gracie to be his best fighter looked even smaller with his knees bent. The posture helped avoid the Dutchman's takedowns. Tijuca Tenis Clube is hot during the summer in Rio. Close to four thousand people on the bleachers stand in applause as“Liba” wraps his legs around his opponent’s waist and moves them all the way up till he traps Pardoel’s left arm. It’s another Brazilian victory. One more.
The first World Jiu-Jitsu Championship was held on the first weekend of February 1996, in Rio. Fighters from nine countries were present: Brazil, USA, France, Japan, Holland, Switzerland, UAE, Italy and Cuba.
MORE GO TO :http://www.graciemag.com/?c=148&a=5522

A young girl wearing a dress in the colours of the national flag at the media exhibition on the late Shaikh Zayed on the second anniversary of his death at the Al Safa Public Library in Dubai.
Media exhibition chronicling Zayed's life opens in Dubai
By Ameer Al Marzouqi, Staff Reporter
Dubai: A three-day media exhibition on Shaikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan opened yesterday.
The exhibition titled The Union and Zayed, and Unforgettable History is a look at Shaikh Zayed's work.
It is the second year that the exhibition, organised by Al Ain Municipality and UAE University, has been run. It is being held at the Al Safa Public Library. Abdullah Al Shaibani, Assistant Director-General of Dubai Municipality for Technical Services Affairs, opened the exhibition.
On display are a number of books, pictures, paintings, periodicals and magazines, in addition to Arabic newspapers that featured the life of Shaikh Zayed.
The exhibition is open from 8am to 9pm until tomorrow.

Dutch Open 2006 - Saturday, December 2nd
Place:Rusheuvel - sportcentrum, Rusheuvelstraat 5, OSS
Date:Saturday, December 2, 2006
Coach meeting10:15 a.m.
National anthem10:30 a.m.
Competition start.
Weigh-in:With GI just before entering the mat. If the competitor doesn’t make the weight, there will be no refund and the competitor can not enter the competition.
Coach Meeting: All coaches need to be present at 09.00 hour. - Explaining the system of the tournament - Checking the list of competitors from the school - Answer to all your questions
Registration: Send an e-mail to mathieu.peters@home.nl
Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Blitz Martial Arts Magazine
Widely known as Australia’s premier martial arts and action magazine, Blitz has no equal when it comes to information, size, quality and presentation. A monthly magazine, Blitz features interviews and articles on the world’s best martial arts sport personalities, unique styles, fitness tips, health and self defence strategies, combat psychology, as well as unrivalled coverage of local full contact fight news, events, nutrition and sports supplements.
Get right inside martial arts sports from Karate to Kung Fu, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Kendo, Judo, Taekwondo, Kenpo, Tai Chi, Wushu, Aikido, Kempo, Hapkido, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Grappling, Ninjutsu, Krav Maga, Ju-Jitsu, Shotokan and Qigong Kung Fu, Mixed Martial Arts, Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do, Vale Tudo, Shootfighting, the Samurai fighting arts and the Filipino knife defence and fighting systems – Blitz has them all.
Monday, November 27, 2006

Oscar de Jiu Jitsu 2 #600
The classic battle at Copacabana beach has been re-mastered and released on DVD format! Witness the history making bout between Royce Gracie and Wallid Ishmail, along with the following tremendous bouts:
Alessandra Viera Leca vs Daniela Figueiredo
Daniel Morias Correia vs Pedro Brandao
MArcel Ferreira vs Claudio Moreno
David Camarillo vs Fredson Paxiao
Renato Miragaya vs Daniel Cristoph
Joao Roque vs Fredson Alves
Vinicious Gurmaraes vs Marcos de Matta
Antonio "Nino" Schembri vs Pedro Duarte
Daneil Simoes-Gracie vs Roberto Traven
Marcio Feitosa vs Vitor "Shaolin" Ribeiro
Fabio Gurgel vs Saulo Ribeiro
Alexandre Frota vs Andre Segatti
Royce Gracie vs Wallid Ishmail


NEW CATEGORIES: -64KG, -71KG, -78KG, -85KG, -92KG, -99KG, +99KG & ABSOLUT.
The winners of each category will receive US$ 1.200,00 in prizes.

Galvão defeats Pé de Pano and Brasa is champion
Gracie Barra takes the title among heavyweight black belts in the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu team championship.
The conquest came with André Galvão's victory over Marcio Pé de Pano (4 to 1 in advantages) in the final phase of the competition. Galvão's triumph was added to Robert Drysdale's win over Alexandre Café (by advantages) and Teodoro Contonete Prata's win over Paulo Samoa (12 to 0). Braga Neto won the point of honor for Gracie Barra in the confrontation by submitting Igor Silva.
Although it took second place among heavyweights, Gracie Barra celebrated in the lightweight category by taking the title after defeating team Gama Filho by 3 to 0.
Stay tuned and we will bring you new information about the competition that took place today in the Tijuca Tenis Club shortly.

Chuck's 20 Favorite Legends
1. When the Boogeyman goes to sleep at night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.
2. Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.
3. There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Chuck Norris has allowed to live.
4. Outer space exists because it's afraid to be on the same planet with Chuck Norris.
5. Chuck Norris doesn't sleep. He waits.
6. They wanted to put Chuck's face on Mount Rushmore, but the granite wasn't tough enough to handle his beard.
7. Chuck Norris is the reason Waldo is hiding.
8. Chuck Norris counted to infinity-twice.
9. When Chuck Norris does a push-up, he isn't lifting himself up. He's pushing the Earth down.
10. Chuck Norris is so fast, he can run around the world and punch himself in the back of the head.
11. Chuck Norris' hand is the only hand that can beat a royal flush.
12. There is no such thing as global warming. Chuck Norris was cold, so he turned the sun up.
13. Chuck Norris doesn't need a watch. HE decides what time it is.
14. Chuck Norris gave Mona Lisa that smile.
15. Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.
16. Chuck Norris doesn't get frostbite. He bites frost.
17. There is no chin behind Chuck Norris' beard. There is only another fist.
18. Remember the Soviet Union? They decided to quit after watching a "DeltaForce" marathon on satellite TV.
19. Contrary to popular belief, America is not a democracy. It's a Chucktatorship.
20. Chuck Norris can lead a horse to water AND make him drink.
interview - http://www.insidekung-fu.com/content/view/48/36/
Sunday, November 26, 2006

Kid Peligro Jiu-Jitsu News . . . LX Association - Emirates International BJJ and more
Submitted by: Kid Peligro
1st Annual National LX Jiu-Jitsu Association Gathering is Huge Success!
Lead by Leonardo 'The Wizard' Xavier, more than 100 people were present at the 1st Annual National LX Jiu-Jitsu Association Gathering which was held November 5, 2006 in Houston, Texas at the LX Jiu-Jitsu Association headquarters. Students from all of the LX Jiu-Jitsu Association schools in Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana participated in the opening ceremony and the belt and stripe promotions. This event was well received by the students and a huge success.
The LX Jiu-Jitsu Association has grown tremendously over the last year. BJJ is growing in popularity in the United States and in Texas. Leonardo Xavier is grateful to everyone in the BJJ community who is making a positive contribution. Leonardo presented awards to certain people in recognition of their outstanding contributions to Jiu-Jitsu and the LX Jiu-Jitsu family.
The following people were recognized by the LX Jiu-Jitsu Association: Royler Gracie, Rolker Gracie, Saulo Ribeiro, Kid Peligro, Bob Gifford, and Maria Jose Pinheiro
The following students were recognized for outstanding loyalty and dedication to the Association: Rick Eckerson, Ty Gay, Clint Maddox, John Hyatt, Tory Bienvenu, Nick Ciubotariu, Richard Lacap, Jennifer Karnes, Barry Staples and Matthias Meister
Leonardo, on behalf of the LX Jiu-Jitsu Association, also recognized the following individuals who have passed but who had a positive influence on the Association: In Loving Memory: Darcy Bellinha Xavier and Joe Priole
Leonardo Xavier and the LX Jiu-Jitsu Association would like to wish everyone a happy holiday and an extraordinary new year!
NEW CATEGORIES: -64KG, -71KG, -78KG, -85KG, -92KG, -99KG, +99KG & ABSOLUTE.
The winners of each category will receive US$ 1.200,00 in prizes.
+971 50 8273934 - WWW.EMIRATESJIU-JITSU.COM - http://emirates2006.blogspot.com/
1st Annual Michigan Open Deadline nears
The deadline for registering for the 1st Annual Michigan Open is November 30th. Promoters urge you to register now for the December 2nd event. For more info and to register go to www.cjjusa.com
Carlson Academy Grand-Opening in San Diego
Dear Students, Family and Friends:
Please help us with our new endeavor and forward our new school information to your family and friends. Our Grand Opening will be held on December 2, 2003 at the new school (address shown below) from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and we would love for you and all your friends to attend to see the new school and sign up!!
Anyone signing up with us will receive a 20% discount off the tuition and anyone signing up for one year will receive a free uniform.
Come join us for the Grand Opening we would love to see everyone!! We truly appreciate any and all help you guys can provide us in sending this email out to advertise the new academy!
Carlson Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy
7060 Miramar Road Suite 210 & 211 San Diego, CA 92121
(Miramar Road between Distribution Road and Production Road in the Starbucks/Quiznos shopping center)
Now go train Jiu-Jitsu,
Kid Peligro
Submitted by: Kid Peligro
Quick Results from the Brazilian Team Titles
In a big upset Brasa's Andre Galvao beat Marcio 'Pe de Pano' Cruz by advantage to help Brasa Team secure the Black Belt Heavy Gold in the Brazilian National Team Titles by 3 x 1 score. The other fights in the Heavyweight division finals were: Robert Drysdale over Alexandre 'Cafe', Gracie Barra's Braga Neto over Igor and Brasa's 'Cotonette' defeated 'Samoa'
Light Finals: Gracie Barra Over Gama Filho 3 x 0 for the title
Heavy Finals: Brasa over Gracie Barra 3 x 1 for the titles
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006

Opening date:01 December 2006
Closing date:15 December 2006
Country of the host city:Qatar (QAT)

Thursday, November 23, 2006

BTT Canada held a belt promotion
BTT/Canada held a belt promotion at GAMMA last Saturday, November 18th. The following promotions were made.
BLACK BELT: Nino Bezera, Ben Meireles, & Juliana Nogueira Holanda.
PURPLE BELT: Louis Berube, Patrick Cote, Bob Palanuk,Reggie Manuel, Francois Beneteau, Eric Beaulieu, & Nabil Khatib.
BLUE BELT: Andrew Lakemaker, Marie Fanton, Simon Desruisseaux,Jostinien Tupia, Jonathan Sharman, Mandel Nallo, Eric Gratton, Marc Rogulski, Matt Lessard, Stepane Vigneault, Guy Montreuil, Nabil Shali, Stephan Gareau, Sol Ackerman, Genevieve Thibodeau, Evelyne Dery, Jon Copeland, Harold Deley, Rija Renould, Marc Ghanon, & Valery Ghanon.
Congratulations everyone. And thanks for the help of Daniel Gazoni ( Black Belt and Head coach of BTT Boston ) and Marquinhos Black Belt from Brazil

Pé de Pano, Galvão, Gordo & Cia. on the mat in November 25th
After consecutive Nova Geração/Gama Filho and Gracie Barra celebrations on the winners’ podium at the Brazilian Team tournament, this year the big stars of other teams decided to get tough, without losing sight of the gentle art’s technique. On the 25th of November, the great brands of Jiu-Jitsu like Brasa and Gracie Barra promise to enter the fight area of the Tijuca Tennis Club at full force.
On the Barra da Tijuca side, Carlos Gracie Jr.’s team enters the field with Marcio Pé de Pano Cruz, the world champion Celsinho Vinicius, the Amazonian Fredson Paixão, new star Braga Neto and backed up by Professor Roberto Gordo Corrêa.
Representing Brasa, coming from Copacabana and the Via Dutra, Rodrigo Comprido Medeiros and subcommander Robert Drysdale lead the beasts coming from Rio and São Paulo, like André Galvão and a new crop full guaranteed to surprise. Demian Maia, with an injured foot, will be a handicap for the team.
In the same gymnasium, located in Rio de Janeiro’s northern region, the Brazilian Beginners Championship 2006 will take place on November 26th. Only athletes that have never gotten up to third place (or up to 2nd place in the Brazilian Team tournament) in CBJJ championships may participate.
Visit www.cbjj.com to find out more about the Brazilian Team and Beginners championships.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Carlson Gracie academy victorious
Bellow are the team and individual results for the Bitetti Cup, held at the Brixton recreation centre in London last Saturday, as provided by the promotion.
Team results
1) Carlson Gracie 124
Individual results
Brown Belt Superfight.
Luis Tosta Mario Reis JJ
Paul Bridges Marc Walder JJ
Purple Belt
1)Dickie Martin Carlson Gracie
1) Kevin Webb GB Birmingham 2) Luke Lamude Marc Walder 3) Simon Hayes Carlson Gracie
1) Wallid Tadjouri Carlson Gracie2) Michael Russell Marc Walder3) Nuno Matos Master
After receiving an invitation by the organization, the Brazilian Top Team just confirmed that will be at the team match at the Brazilian Championship Cyclone of Submission. So, there are already three teams confirmed in the event that will be held on December 3rd, at Gymnasium of Iate Club Jardim Guanabara, in Ilha do Governador, Rio de Janeiro. Beyond BTT, Nova União and Gracie Barra will also send their representatives for the categories until 70kg, until 80kg and under 80kg. That will be the first time that a team match of Submission will be held in Brazil.
- We are really happy about the receptive of the new Idea of a team match at Cyclone Championship. Every year we try to make something new and this year it can't be different. I want to say thank you to the big number of teams that wants to participate and apologize about not having invited everyone for this first event. We are taking care of the number of teams and we must be criterions at this first selection - explains the promoter Mário Miglioli, making mystery about the other teams.
At this year, the traditional Brazilian Championship Cyclone of Submission will be held for the first time at the Iate Club Jardim Guanabara, in Ilha do Governador, and will also bring a team match and money prizes.
Submitted by: Kid Peligro
O2 Martial Arts Academy's Grand Opening
On Monday, November 20th at 6:30PM!
It has been over 11 years of running the Relson Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Aiea Academy, then it became Academia Casca Grossa de Jiu-Jitsu (A Relson Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Association) and now it has evolved into the O2 Martial Arts Academy!
Basically we have finally made the decision to move out of Rainbow Gymnastics Academy and open up our own Academy. We are still a Relson Gracie Association!
It is in the same area, fronting in Kam Hwy between Best Buy and Cutter Ford Aiea on the second floor above Goodwill, The Bike Factory and Small Engine Clinic. It is across the street from Waimalu Shopping Center.
98-019 Kam Hwy, 206A
Aiea, Hawaii 96701
The O2 Martial Arts Academy will be offering Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, Submission Wrestling, and Escrima six days a week. We hope to add Kickboxing and Boxing soon!
Check out the O2 Martial Arts Academy website for all the details at http://www.O2MartialArtsAcademy.com!
We are having an official grand opening on Monday, November 20th at 6:30PM. Please feel free to stop by and check out the new academy and say howzit!
BrazilianBlackBelt.com has video footage of 'Comprido' Competing
The good folks at BrazilianBlackBelt.com have video footage of Rodrigo 'Comprido' competing in a recent State tournament in Brazil.To check out go to: http://www.brazilianblackbelt.locaweb.com.br/site/videos_ver.asp?id_video=21
or chck out
Matt Serra Seminar in Atlanta
Saturday, December 8, 2006
Creighton Mixed Martial Arts
3775 Peachtree Crest Drive
Duluth Georgia 30097
Time is from 12:00 P.M. until 2:30 P.M.
Cost $75.00
Space is limited!
For More Info Contact Paul Creighton @ (770)-813-1241 or jiujitsu33@hotmail.com
2006 OxiClean Vision Quest Grappling Tournament
Team Results:
1st - Zingano BJJ (46) / CBJJ (14)
2nd - Easton (21)
3rd - Behring (11)
We'd like thank our sponsors, OxiClean, US Army, Connected Networks & Consulting, Cherry Creek Title Services, Sinister Brand and Howard Combat Kimonos for their continue support of the sport.
Also we'd like to thank all of the participants, staff and coaches that make every tournament possible.
Special thanks to all the ref's, Professor Mauricio Zingano, Professor Dave Ruiz, Professor Amal Easton, Morgan Patnode, Van McConnon, Josh Ford, Robert Underlich, Finnie and Nick Kline for their hard work and support of our events.
For individual standings visit us at, www.rmbjjf.com
Monday, November 20, 2006
Sunday, November 19, 2006

Couture Draws with “Jacare” and Garcia Wins Again
November 18, 2006by Josh Gross (Photos by Dave Mandel) (joshg@sherdog.com)CULVER CITY, Calif. Nov. 17 — Randy Couture may have hung up his four-ounce fingerless gloves, but the lifelong wrestler will always find a way to sow his competitive oats.
“I’m going to grapple until I can’t walk,” the American mixed martial arts legend said after his Professional Submission League debut Friday against two-time Brazilian jiu-jitsu world champion Ronaldo ‘Jacare’ Souza Dos Santos. “I love to wrestle. I love the training and the competition.” Stepping into a competitive arena for the first time since leaving MMA, the only man to hold UFC titles in separate weight divisions went to a scoreless draw with “Jacare” in front of roughly 1,000 submission-grappling fans at the Veterans Memorial Hall. With the familiar face of “Big” John McCarthy officiating the action, Couture quickly looked comfortable on the large, white square mat that served as home for the evening’s eight matches. Though he was quite a bit larger than “Jacare,” Couture, who said he was sick leading up to the match but refused to back out, could not muscle the slick jiu-jitsu man to the floor. Instead, the two circled and exchanged failed takedowns. When action did move to the ground, “Jacare” flirted with Kimuras, armbars and triangles, but it wasn’t anything the veteran Couture hadn’t seen before. Without a takedown, position improvement or near catch in the opening round, the score was tied 0-0 after one, though Santos’ cornerman Wallid Ismail loudly suggested to officials that his man should have received something for his efforts. Couture was slippery with sweat and the Brazilian’s early explosiveness had dissipated as the bout moved into the second of two four-minute periods — the same round format for each bout on the card. Ismail, now pounding on the canvas as he screamed for “Jacare” to attack, saw his man do little on the scoreboard, despite a solid bit of grappling on the bottom. Tied at 0-0 after eight minutes, PSL rules mandated overtime in the form of two 60-second rounds. Neither man attacked in the first overtime period, and though they engaged in the final frame, neither landed an advantage, which forced a shrug-inducing draw from Couture. “He’s a great competitor,” Couture said of Santos. “Very slick. Very quick. [I was] basically surviving.” “It’s not a precursor to fighting or coming back,” he said when asked if this was the first step to an MMA comeback. “I’ve said all along under the right circumstance maybe I’d come back, but that hasn’t presented itself. No plans.”
Like “The Natural,” Marcelo Garcia has earned a reputation among fans as a man that simply cannot do any wrong. The shifty submission expert did nothing to diminish that reputation during a rather easy victory over respected grappler and mixed martial artist Jake Shields . Garcia, an Abu Dhabi and Mundial world champion, opened the scoring by putting Shields to the canvas with a single-leg takedown. The two deliberately rolled before Garcia locked onto Shield’s neck. In an effort to alleviate the pressure, Shields fell to his back. Garcia adeptly secured top position and cranked, to which Shields tapped out with 22 seconds remaining in the opening round.
Vladimir Matyushenko and Vinicius Magalhaes earned the night’s first boos — and the only warning from officials — in the opening round of their heavyweight clash. After a lackluster four minutes, Matyushenko managed the bout’s lone point with a controlled single-leg takedown. Magalhaes could not pull Matyushenko into his guard or return to his feet and the bout ended with the 1-0 tally.
King of the Cage veterans took to the mat when Alberto Crane met Joe Camacho . Crane, who appeared to be the much larger competitor, mounted a game Camacho in the first period before adding three points for a catch on an anaconda choke. In the second, Crane again landed a point for taking mount. He transitioned to armbar and secured Camacho’s left arm for the tapout victory.
With Rickson Gracie in his corner, Kron Gracie scored a shutout against Andy Wang. Gracie opened the scoring with a beautiful inside trip takedown. Despite protests from Wang, Kron scored three more points for an attempted Achilles lock. The second period slowed to a crawl, and with four points in his pocket Gracie simply needed to defend positions to win.
Rafael Luvato Jr. dominated on points to defeat Roberto Camarago 7-0. Luvato Jr. put Camarago down with a single-leg takedown to take an early lead. He added three points to close out the first round by jumping into guard for a guillotine choke. In the second frame a nice transition to armbar netted Luvato Jr. an additional three points, closing out the most lopsided win of the night.
Jeff Glover earned a 3-0 decision over Shane Rice . Glover’s catch came as he transitioned into a kneebar during the opening period. The two exchanged interesting positions in the final four minutes, but Rice mustered little offense.
Mac Danzig took a 6-0 lead before catching Alan Zborovsky in a north-south choke. A near Kimura put the King of the Cage lightweight champion up, and he followed with another catch before finishing with the choke.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Friday, November 17, 2006

BTT Black Belt, current European Champion, Eduardo Teta Rios continues his journey around Scandinavia .
Last week he conducted a 3-day seminar in Bergen . Check out some pics.
Next week, we’ll be in Drammen , just outside Olso.
If you want to book his seminars, please e-mail info@braziliantopteam.com

Minotouro BTT is star at Brazilian media
The main newspapers of Brazil as like O Globo, Jornal dos Sports, Jornal do Brasil, Lance, O dia and Extra, are talking today about the gold medal thet Rogério Minotouro got at the South-American games. O Globo newspaper brings an exclusive interview with the fighter, made by telephone from Buenos Aires and the Jornal dos Sports and Extra also talked about the conquer of the Brazilian fighter. "Fighting with an Argentine in Buenos Aires is hard, being Brazilian is much harder. We fell all the audience pressure. But I did change it to my side, I could do that", said Minotouto in exclusive interview to O Globo, where the article says "From MMA to the Boxing podium".
Boxing Brazilian champion, Minotouro got on last Tuesday (November 14th) the gold medal at the Boxing South-American games in Buenos Aires, Argentina. To be the champion of the super heavy category (until 91kg), Minotouro defeated the Argentine Marcelo Ponce in the final by 22 x 5. Brazil also got two silver medals beyond Minotouro with Everton Lopes in the category until 60kg and Hamilton da Conceição in the category until 81kg. Everton was defeated in the final by the Colombian fighter Darley Ballesta by 13 to 11 and Hamilton lost for the also Columbian fighter Eleider Baitar, by 17 to 11.

Marcio Feitosa is a 3-time World BJJ Champion and Abu-Dhabi Champion. In addition, he has won numerous other championships including the Brazilian Nationals, Equipes, and the Pan American Championships. He is also the head instructor at Gracie Barra in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Marcio has been teaching for over 15 years and has produced and instructed champions at the famous Gracie Barra academy. Date: December 2nd, 2006 Time: 11 AM Location: Gracie Barra Temecula Website: www.jiujitsuacademy.com Contact: Ricardo Guimaraes 951-970-2043 Price $70.00