Sunday, January 31, 2010
us trial 1:

Under the organization of Claudio Franca, Renato Tavares, Marcos Vinicios and Event Director Alvaro Mansor, the West Coast World Pro BJJ Trials were a success. More than two hundred athletes fought for the opportunity to participate in the Abu Dhabi Pro BJJ event to be held in April in the United Arab Emirates.
Several high-energy match ups drew a crowd that filled the gymnasium. One of the most anticipated was between Clark Gracie and Reylan Gracie to decide the winner of the 83kg division. Clark didn't waste any time and pulled guard early, and within two minutes had swept to mount and gained a 6-0 lead. From there Clark continued his work to ensure the gold and his ticket to Abu Dhabi in April.
Participating in the debut of the women's divisions in Abu Dhabi Pro BJJ, purple belt Kiri Liao from Saulo Ribeiro suprised her competition and took home the gold for the white-black belt women's lightweight division.
But it's not over yet! Next weekend the United States will host a second trials to take place in Boca Raton, Florida. Renato Tavares and Helio Moreira are hosting the trials in Florida for the second time and are expecting a full house.
Athletes including Roberto Traven, Hillary Williams, Marcelo Salazar, and many others will compete for more spots in the Abu Dhabi Pro tournament. More information at www.nafafighters.com
Monday, January 18, 2010
Abu Dhabi via California

Abu Dhabi via California
by Graciemag Newsroom — December 11, 2009.
After shaking up the Jiu-Jitsu world in 2009, with cash prizes and the enchantment of Abu Dhabi, the road to the World Professional Jiu-Jitsu Cup in 2010 is already taking shape, with tryouts around the world.
The one to set up the North American West Coast Qualifiers on January 24 is Claudio França, who is responsible for the US Open and American Cup.
The event will take place in the classic Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium on January 24, and will reward 10 champions with travel and board for the main competition, in April.
The six champions of the adult purple/brown/black divisions will join the two women and light and heavyweight white/blue absolute champions.
Interested? Sign up via the http://www.abudhabibjj.com/ website.
But remember that you must be American or a legal resident of the USA to compete for spots for the Arab Emirates.
Alongside the main professional competition the Abu Dhabi Amateur will take place, and is open to juveniles, masters and seniors
by Graciemag Newsroom — December 11, 2009.
After shaking up the Jiu-Jitsu world in 2009, with cash prizes and the enchantment of Abu Dhabi, the road to the World Professional Jiu-Jitsu Cup in 2010 is already taking shape, with tryouts around the world.
The one to set up the North American West Coast Qualifiers on January 24 is Claudio França, who is responsible for the US Open and American Cup.
The event will take place in the classic Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium on January 24, and will reward 10 champions with travel and board for the main competition, in April.
The six champions of the adult purple/brown/black divisions will join the two women and light and heavyweight white/blue absolute champions.
Interested? Sign up via the http://www.abudhabibjj.com/ website.
But remember that you must be American or a legal resident of the USA to compete for spots for the Arab Emirates.
Alongside the main professional competition the Abu Dhabi Amateur will take place, and is open to juveniles, masters and seniors
Sunday, January 17, 2010
leao dourado:

Interview with Hilton Leao Dourado - Part 1/2
From: EmiratesJiuJitsu 17 de janeiro de 2010
Interview with Grandmaster Hilton Leao Dourado
From: EmiratesJiuJitsu 17 de janeiro de 2010
Interview with Grandmaster Hilton Leao Dourado
Saturday, January 16, 2010
em team talk show 2010/1:

Emirates Jiu-Jitsu Team Talk Show -
Part 1/7
From: EmiratesJiuJitsu 16 de janeiro de 2010 6 exibições
In Episode 4 of the Emirates Team Talk Show, Show Host Mohammed Al Housani is joined once again by Emirates Team Head Coach Carlos Santos.
Our guests for this episode are Emirates Team
Coaches Marcos Oliveira and Michel Maia, along with a guest student all the way from Guam, John Took.
1- http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=EmiratesJiuJitsu#p/a/u/1/EucD4wZNGZM
2- http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=EmiratesJiuJitsu#p/a/u/0/oOjWEvWcR6I
3- http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=EmiratesJiuJitsu#p/u/2/pRCdRSfTapA
4- http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=EmiratesJiuJitsu#p/u/1/M24F5AOGnAI
5- http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=EmiratesJiuJitsu#p/u/0/HKT2fLeRIj8
Friday, January 15, 2010

Abu Dhabi: absolute champion takes 12 thousand dollars
by Marcelo Dunlop — January 13, 2010.
Three months from the World Pro 2010, in Abu Dhabi, the organizers released the news prize money has been bolstered. The absolute champion of the main division (purple, brown and black belts), for example, will take home 12 thousand dollars.
And anyone planning to compete in California to get an all-paid trip to the Emirates had better hurry. The discount for East Coast USA qualifiers ends this Thursday at noon, local time.
Sign-ups without discount end on the 18th.
On the eve of the tryouts on the 24th, in Santa Cruz, a rules seminar will be held by Alvaro Mansor, from 4pm to 7pm on the 23rd.
Check out the prize-money values for the main tournament, in the UAE:
World Jiu-Jitsu Pro
Abu Dhabi, EAU
April 15 to 17
A- Purple to black
Divisions 65KG, 74KG, 83KG, 92KG, +92KG, Open
1) Absolute = 12 thousand dollars
1) 8 thousand dollars
2) 3 thousand dollars
3) 1.5 thousand dollars
B- Branca a azul
Divisions 63KG, 68KG, 73KG, 78KG, 83KG, 88KG, 93KG, 98KG, +98KG, Lightweight open (-73KG), Heavyweight open (+73KG)
1) 3 thousand dollars
2) 1.5 thousand dollars
C- Feminino
Lightweight (-63KG) and heavyweight (+63KG)
1) 3.5 thousand dollars
2) 2 thousand dollars
For greater information: www.worldpro2010.com
Abu Dhabi: campeão absoluto leva 12 mil dólares
por Marcelo Dunlop — 13 de janeiro de 2010
A três meses do World Pro 2010, em Abu Dhabi, os organizadores reforçaram a divulgação dos prêmios. O campeão absoluto da divisão principal (roxas, marrons e pretas), por exemplo, vai levar 12 mil verdinhas.
E quem luta na Califórnia e ainda pretende viajar para os Emirados com tudo pago e chegar com moral deve acelerar. A seletiva da costa oeste dos EUA só dá desconto até esta quinta-feira, meio-dia, horário local.
As inscrições sem desconto terminam no dia 18.
Na véspera da seletiva do dia 24, em Santa Cruz, ainda haverá um seminário de regras comandado por Alvaro Mansor, das 16h às 19h do dia 23.
Confira a premiação do torneio principal, nos Emirados.
World Jiu-Jitsu Pro
Abu Dhabi, EAU
15 a 17 de abril
A- Roxa a preta
Divisões 65KG, 74KG, 83KG, 92KG, +92KG, Aberto
1) Absoluto = 12 mil dólares
1) 8 mil dólares
2) 3 mil
3) 1,5 mil
B- Branca a azul
Divisões 63KG, 68KG, 73KG, 78KG, 83KG, 88KG, 93KG,
by Marcelo Dunlop — January 13, 2010.
Three months from the World Pro 2010, in Abu Dhabi, the organizers released the news prize money has been bolstered. The absolute champion of the main division (purple, brown and black belts), for example, will take home 12 thousand dollars.
And anyone planning to compete in California to get an all-paid trip to the Emirates had better hurry. The discount for East Coast USA qualifiers ends this Thursday at noon, local time.
Sign-ups without discount end on the 18th.
On the eve of the tryouts on the 24th, in Santa Cruz, a rules seminar will be held by Alvaro Mansor, from 4pm to 7pm on the 23rd.
Check out the prize-money values for the main tournament, in the UAE:
World Jiu-Jitsu Pro
Abu Dhabi, EAU
April 15 to 17
A- Purple to black
Divisions 65KG, 74KG, 83KG, 92KG, +92KG, Open
1) Absolute = 12 thousand dollars
1) 8 thousand dollars
2) 3 thousand dollars
3) 1.5 thousand dollars
B- Branca a azul
Divisions 63KG, 68KG, 73KG, 78KG, 83KG, 88KG, 93KG, 98KG, +98KG, Lightweight open (-73KG), Heavyweight open (+73KG)
1) 3 thousand dollars
2) 1.5 thousand dollars
C- Feminino
Lightweight (-63KG) and heavyweight (+63KG)
1) 3.5 thousand dollars
2) 2 thousand dollars
For greater information: www.worldpro2010.com
Abu Dhabi: campeão absoluto leva 12 mil dólares
por Marcelo Dunlop — 13 de janeiro de 2010
A três meses do World Pro 2010, em Abu Dhabi, os organizadores reforçaram a divulgação dos prêmios. O campeão absoluto da divisão principal (roxas, marrons e pretas), por exemplo, vai levar 12 mil verdinhas.
E quem luta na Califórnia e ainda pretende viajar para os Emirados com tudo pago e chegar com moral deve acelerar. A seletiva da costa oeste dos EUA só dá desconto até esta quinta-feira, meio-dia, horário local.
As inscrições sem desconto terminam no dia 18.
Na véspera da seletiva do dia 24, em Santa Cruz, ainda haverá um seminário de regras comandado por Alvaro Mansor, das 16h às 19h do dia 23.
Confira a premiação do torneio principal, nos Emirados.
World Jiu-Jitsu Pro
Abu Dhabi, EAU
15 a 17 de abril
A- Roxa a preta
Divisões 65KG, 74KG, 83KG, 92KG, +92KG, Aberto
1) Absoluto = 12 mil dólares
1) 8 mil dólares
2) 3 mil
3) 1,5 mil
B- Branca a azul
Divisões 63KG, 68KG, 73KG, 78KG, 83KG, 88KG, 93KG,
98KG, +98KG, Aberto leve (-73KG), Aberto pesado (+73KG)
1) 3 mil dólares
2) 1,5 mil
C- Feminino
Divisões leve (-63KG) e pesado (+63KG)
1) 3,5 mil dólares
2) 2 ml
Para mais: www.worldpro2010.com
1) 3 mil dólares
2) 1,5 mil
C- Feminino
Divisões leve (-63KG) e pesado (+63KG)
1) 3,5 mil dólares
2) 2 ml
Para mais: www.worldpro2010.com
Thursday, January 14, 2010

No Holds Barred: Claudio Franca and
Abu Dhabi Pro Jiu-Jitsu Cup WestCoast Trials
On this edition of No Holds Barred, host Eddie Goldman speaks with oneof the pioneers in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Claudio Franca (http://claudiofrancabjj.com/ ).
Professor Franca is organizing the Abu Dhabi Pro West Coast Trials(http://www.abudhabibjj.com/ ).
This tournament takes place Sunday,January 24, 2010, at the Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium in Santa Cruz,California. This is a qualifying event for the richest and most prestigiousBrazilian Jiu-Jitsu event in the world, the Abu Dhabi WorldProfessional Jiu-Jitsu Cup 2010 (http://www.worldpro2010.com/ ).
That event takes place April 15-17 in Abu Dhabi in the United ArabEmirates, and will distribute the biggest prize in the history of Jiu-Jitsu, US$150.000.
Nine qualifiers from the West Coast Trials will be flown to Abu Dhabito represent the U.S. at the Abu Dhabi Pro Jiu-Jitsu Cup. In our interview with Professor Franca, we discuss the significance ofthe West Coast Trials and this event, the rules, the many levels ofcompetitors expected to compete, the enormous growth in the popularityof jiu-jitsu, whether jiu-jitsu can establish itself as aprofessional spectator sport, how to get more information about thisevent, and more. More information on the many international qualifying events for theAbu Dhabi Pro Jiu-Jitsu Cup can be found on the Emirates One News(http://www.emiratesone.com/ ) and the ADCC News (http://www.adcombat.com/ ).
If you would like to support No Holds Barred financially, you can senda gift through our PayPal account. Just click the "DONATE" button onthe No Holds Barred pages at http://nhbnews.blogspot.com orhttp://nhbnews.podomatic.com . Any size gift, large or small, isgreatly appreciated. You can play or download No Holds Barred athttp://nhbnews.podOmatic.com/entry/2010-01-13T15_15_43-08_00. You can also download No Holds Barred at http://www.mediafire.com/?wzngqmmmnw2.
If one link does not work, please try another. The show is in MP3format, so may take some time to download. The No Holds Barred theme song is called "The Heist", by Ian Carpenter(http://iancarpenter.com/). Make sure to visit the official boxing forum for No Holds Barred, theMySpace Boxing Forum, at http://groups.myspace.com/boxing. No Holds Barred is free to listen to and is sponsored by: BJJMart.com (http://bjjmart.com), your premier source for allBrazilian Jiu-Jitsu gear, videos, books, and much more. American Top Team (http://americantopteam.com/ ). Whether you're abeginner or a champion, train with the champions in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, boxing, wrestling, grappling, and mixed martial arts atAmerican Top Team. Check out their web site at http://americantopteam.com/ /.
GRACIEMAG (http://graciemag.com/ ), the most reliable source ofinformation on Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. GRACIEMAG represents Jiu-Jitsuphilosophy and features news, profiles, history, photos, videos, andtips and secrets of the mother of all martial arts. Published since1996 in Brazil, GRACIEMAG: The Jiu-Jitsu Lifestyle, is in both Englishand Portuguese, and is also online at GRACIEMAG.com (http://graciemag.com/ ).
FightBeat.com (http://fightbeat.com/ ), for news, results, interviews,and free exclusive videos from the worlds of boxing and mixed martialarts.
Thanks, Eddie Goldman
cnbc tv :
Tuesday, January 12, 2010 - by MMAWeekly.com Staff
UFC president Dana White and CEO Lorenzo Fertitta were on Tuesday's First on CNBC to talk about Tuesday's announcement that they had sold a 10-percent stake in the company.
They were clear in pointing out that they believe Flash Entertainment, a live entertainment company wholly owned by the Abu Dhabi government, will be an active partner, accelerating the UFC's efforts to expand in the Middle East and Asian markets, including China.
Despite earlier comments from White saying, "I’m gonna have a certain amount of time (with the UFC) and then my time will be done and I will have done my part. And then somebody else will carry it on after me," he assured everyone that he's not going anywhere anytime soon.
Watch the full CNBC segment here…
Tuesday, January 12, 2010 - by MMAWeekly.com Staff
UFC president Dana White and CEO Lorenzo Fertitta were on Tuesday's First on CNBC to talk about Tuesday's announcement that they had sold a 10-percent stake in the company.
They were clear in pointing out that they believe Flash Entertainment, a live entertainment company wholly owned by the Abu Dhabi government, will be an active partner, accelerating the UFC's efforts to expand in the Middle East and Asian markets, including China.
Despite earlier comments from White saying, "I’m gonna have a certain amount of time (with the UFC) and then my time will be done and I will have done my part. And then somebody else will carry it on after me," he assured everyone that he's not going anywhere anytime soon.
Watch the full CNBC segment here…
1 day

West Coast Qualifying Tournament for Abu Dhabi World Pro Jiu Jitsu Cup
Only one more day to get the early registration discounted price. Early registration will end tomorrow, Thursday, January 14 at 11:59 PM.
This tournament is open to all divisions. If you are in one of the "Amateur" divisions and not eligible to go to the World Pro Cup in Abu Dhabi, it will still be very exciting to take part in the first West Coast Trial here in Santa Cruz. As with the U.S. Open and the American Cup, the tournament will be run with the utmost professional standards and governed by the official rules of the International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation. The "Amateur" division includes; Juvenile, Master and Senior Competitors. If you are thinking about it, you have to go! It will be an experience you will not soon forget! We especially need to see more of our Master and Seniors competing!
As mentioned before nine competitors from the "Professional" Adult category will receive an all expense paid trip to Abu Dhabi to compete in the World Professional Jiu Jitsu Cup in April, where they will have the chance to win cash prizes.
Don't miss out, early registration ends 11:59 P.M. January 14 and the final deadline to register is 11:59 P.M. January 18. For more information visit www.AbuDhabiBJJ.com
Please e-mail any questions to tournaments@claudiofrancabjj.com
Only one more day to get the early registration discounted price. Early registration will end tomorrow, Thursday, January 14 at 11:59 PM.
This tournament is open to all divisions. If you are in one of the "Amateur" divisions and not eligible to go to the World Pro Cup in Abu Dhabi, it will still be very exciting to take part in the first West Coast Trial here in Santa Cruz. As with the U.S. Open and the American Cup, the tournament will be run with the utmost professional standards and governed by the official rules of the International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation. The "Amateur" division includes; Juvenile, Master and Senior Competitors. If you are thinking about it, you have to go! It will be an experience you will not soon forget! We especially need to see more of our Master and Seniors competing!
As mentioned before nine competitors from the "Professional" Adult category will receive an all expense paid trip to Abu Dhabi to compete in the World Professional Jiu Jitsu Cup in April, where they will have the chance to win cash prizes.
Don't miss out, early registration ends 11:59 P.M. January 14 and the final deadline to register is 11:59 P.M. January 18. For more information visit www.AbuDhabiBJJ.com
Please e-mail any questions to tournaments@claudiofrancabjj.com
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Abu Dhabi firm buys 10% stake in UFC
Flash Entertainment deal aims to increase championship's value
Las Vegas: An Abu Dhabi-owned entertainment promotion company has bought a 10 per cent stake in the Ultimate Fighting Championship for an undisclosed sum.
UFC co-owner Lorenzo Fertitta said that the deal with Flash Entertainment, a subsidiary owned by the emirate's government, was done to create increased value for UFC and help the mixed martial arts league expand in the Middle East and Asia.
Neither Fertitta nor Ossama Khoreibi, chairman of Flash, would estimate UFC's worth or say what Flash paid for the newly issued shares in Zuffa LLC, its parent company. Fertitta says terms of the deal are confidential.
Fertitta said he believes Flash — a promoter known for bringing high-profile concerts and other events to the Middle East — can accelerate UFC's growth there and in China, India and other countries.
Flash's new shares mean Fertitta's 45 per cent stake in Zuffa dropped to 40.5 per cent. His brother, Frank Fertitta III, owns the same amount.
Dana White, president of UFC, saw his stake go from 10 per cent to nine per cent after the deal. Fertitta would not say what would be done with the money Flash invested or whether it would stay in UFC.
Station Casinos Inc., where Frank Fertitta is chairman and CEO and Lorenzo Fertitta is vice chairman, has a pending bankruptcy case in Nevada that is separate from UFC.
Fertitta said day-to-day operations at UFC would not likely change.
Khoreibi said in an e-mail that its role will be to support UFC as it keeps growing. "The sport has incredible potential and the commercial opportunities were very obvious to us," Khoreibi said.
Flash Entertainment deal aims to increase championship's value
Las Vegas: An Abu Dhabi-owned entertainment promotion company has bought a 10 per cent stake in the Ultimate Fighting Championship for an undisclosed sum.
UFC co-owner Lorenzo Fertitta said that the deal with Flash Entertainment, a subsidiary owned by the emirate's government, was done to create increased value for UFC and help the mixed martial arts league expand in the Middle East and Asia.
Neither Fertitta nor Ossama Khoreibi, chairman of Flash, would estimate UFC's worth or say what Flash paid for the newly issued shares in Zuffa LLC, its parent company. Fertitta says terms of the deal are confidential.
Fertitta said he believes Flash — a promoter known for bringing high-profile concerts and other events to the Middle East — can accelerate UFC's growth there and in China, India and other countries.
Flash's new shares mean Fertitta's 45 per cent stake in Zuffa dropped to 40.5 per cent. His brother, Frank Fertitta III, owns the same amount.
Dana White, president of UFC, saw his stake go from 10 per cent to nine per cent after the deal. Fertitta would not say what would be done with the money Flash invested or whether it would stay in UFC.
Station Casinos Inc., where Frank Fertitta is chairman and CEO and Lorenzo Fertitta is vice chairman, has a pending bankruptcy case in Nevada that is separate from UFC.
Fertitta said day-to-day operations at UFC would not likely change.
Khoreibi said in an e-mail that its role will be to support UFC as it keeps growing. "The sport has incredible potential and the commercial opportunities were very obvious to us," Khoreibi said.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

15,16 AND 17 APRIL
TOTAL PRIZE = 150,000 us$
65KG, 74KG, 83KG, 92KG, +92KG, OPEN
1 PLACE = 8,000 US
2 PLACE = 3,000 US
3 PLACE = 1,500 US
63KG, 68KG, 73KG, 78KG, 83KG, 88KG, 93KG, 98KG, +98KG,
1 PLACE = 3,000 US
2 PLACE = 1,500 US
1 PLACE = 3,500 US
2 PLACE = 2,000 US
INFO: www.worldpro2010.com
Monday, January 11, 2010
Saturday, January 09, 2010

European Open Jiu-Jitsu Championship 2010
The online registration is available!
The registration fees for the tournament are as follows:
* The fee for registration received from Tuesday, December 01, 2009 - Saturday, January 16, 2010 11:59pm is US $120.00 - equivalant to 80 euros
* The fee for registration received from Sunday, January 17, 2010 - Friday, January 22, 2010 11:59pm is US $140.00 - equivalant to 93 euros
The tournament will take place on January 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st in \"Complexo Municipal Esportivo do Casal Vistoso\", Rua João Silva, Lisbon, Portugal.
On Wednesday, January 27, prior to the European Jiu-Jitsu Championship, the IBJJF will be giving a Referee course.
Time: 10:00 to 13:30 and 15:00 to 17:00
Fee - 50 euros
Place: \"Complexo Municipal Esportivo do Casal Vistoso\", Rua João Silva, Lisbon, Portugal.
For more info about the course, email to regras@ibjjf.com
More info: www.ibjjf.org
IBJJF is on Twitter
Follow us at http://twitter.com/ibjjf
Friday, January 08, 2010

Century Grappling Championship Info
This will be the THIRD event to be part of THE TEXAS ALL STAR TEAM.
This will be the THIRD event to be part of THE TEXAS ALL STAR TEAM.

EVOLUTION Grappling Championship 2010
The WGC is proud to announce it's partnership with the Evolution Grappling Championship in Tampa, FL.
The WGC is proud to announce it's partnership with the Evolution Grappling Championship in Tampa, FL.

13th Annual Copa Pacifica De Jiu-Jitsu Tournament
kids jj
Who can benefit from the Children and Young Adults Program? Boys and girls ages 5-16.
Martial Arts can help
your child develop:
Self Confidence
Better Grades
Self Defense
Self Confidence
For many children, self confidence doesn't come naturally. Confidence is developed over a period of time. As a child accomplishes new goals, his or her confidence level increases. Children become more self confident in Martial Arts because they progress at their own pace and are not compared to others.
Better Grades
Being a Martial Artist also means being a better student. Every child learns to follow directions, pay attention in class and participate in class activities. These skills help them to become better students.
Martial Arts challenges the entire body, developing coordination, balance, agility and poise. These traits are often neglected and not fully developed in team sports.
Martial Arts will help your child to discover that through self-discipline and perseverance he or she can accomplish almost anything.
Self Defense
Martial Arts teaches children to think instead of panic in potentially serious situations as well as how to react to threats from other kids. Your child will also be taught not to be a bully. For life threatening situations only, your child will learn practical self-defense.
your child develop:
Self Confidence
Better Grades
Self Defense
Self Confidence
For many children, self confidence doesn't come naturally. Confidence is developed over a period of time. As a child accomplishes new goals, his or her confidence level increases. Children become more self confident in Martial Arts because they progress at their own pace and are not compared to others.
Better Grades
Being a Martial Artist also means being a better student. Every child learns to follow directions, pay attention in class and participate in class activities. These skills help them to become better students.
Martial Arts challenges the entire body, developing coordination, balance, agility and poise. These traits are often neglected and not fully developed in team sports.
Martial Arts will help your child to discover that through self-discipline and perseverance he or she can accomplish almost anything.
Self Defense
Martial Arts teaches children to think instead of panic in potentially serious situations as well as how to react to threats from other kids. Your child will also be taught not to be a bully. For life threatening situations only, your child will learn practical self-defense.
Thursday, January 07, 2010

A schedule with the start time of all categories will be available at our site on
Thursday February 18th.
The athletes must be at the warm up area, according to their fight schedule.
The athlete can only enter in the fighting area when called by the official.
In case of victory the athlete must return to the warm up area, and remain there till the next fight.
There is a nice and cheap hostel in the centre of Amsterdam.
Rates are around 25 euro and you can book a room at:
A schedule with the start time of all categories will be available at our site on
Thursday February 18th.
The athletes must be at the warm up area, according to their fight schedule.
The athlete can only enter in the fighting area when called by the official.
In case of victory the athlete must return to the warm up area, and remain there till the next fight.
There is a nice and cheap hostel in the centre of Amsterdam.
Rates are around 25 euro and you can book a room at:
Sporthallen Zuid Amsterdam
Burgerweeshuispad 54
1076 EP Amsterdam
Sporthallen Zuid Amsterdam
Burgerweeshuispad 54
1076 EP Amsterdam
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
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