No Holds Barred: Claudio Franca and
Abu Dhabi Pro Jiu-Jitsu Cup WestCoast Trials
On this edition of No Holds Barred, host Eddie Goldman speaks with oneof the pioneers in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Claudio Franca (http://claudiofrancabjj.com/ ).
Professor Franca is organizing the Abu Dhabi Pro West Coast Trials(http://www.abudhabibjj.com/ ).
This tournament takes place Sunday,January 24, 2010, at the Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium in Santa Cruz,California. This is a qualifying event for the richest and most prestigiousBrazilian Jiu-Jitsu event in the world, the Abu Dhabi WorldProfessional Jiu-Jitsu Cup 2010 (http://www.worldpro2010.com/ ).
That event takes place April 15-17 in Abu Dhabi in the United ArabEmirates, and will distribute the biggest prize in the history of Jiu-Jitsu, US$150.000.
Nine qualifiers from the West Coast Trials will be flown to Abu Dhabito represent the U.S. at the Abu Dhabi Pro Jiu-Jitsu Cup. In our interview with Professor Franca, we discuss the significance ofthe West Coast Trials and this event, the rules, the many levels ofcompetitors expected to compete, the enormous growth in the popularityof jiu-jitsu, whether jiu-jitsu can establish itself as aprofessional spectator sport, how to get more information about thisevent, and more. More information on the many international qualifying events for theAbu Dhabi Pro Jiu-Jitsu Cup can be found on the Emirates One News(http://www.emiratesone.com/ ) and the ADCC News (http://www.adcombat.com/ ).
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If one link does not work, please try another. The show is in MP3format, so may take some time to download. The No Holds Barred theme song is called "The Heist", by Ian Carpenter(http://iancarpenter.com/). Make sure to visit the official boxing forum for No Holds Barred, theMySpace Boxing Forum, at http://groups.myspace.com/boxing. No Holds Barred is free to listen to and is sponsored by: BJJMart.com (http://bjjmart.com), your premier source for allBrazilian Jiu-Jitsu gear, videos, books, and much more. American Top Team (http://americantopteam.com/ ). Whether you're abeginner or a champion, train with the champions in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, boxing, wrestling, grappling, and mixed martial arts atAmerican Top Team. Check out their web site at http://americantopteam.com/ /.
GRACIEMAG (http://graciemag.com/ ), the most reliable source ofinformation on Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. GRACIEMAG represents Jiu-Jitsuphilosophy and features news, profiles, history, photos, videos, andtips and secrets of the mother of all martial arts. Published since1996 in Brazil, GRACIEMAG: The Jiu-Jitsu Lifestyle, is in both Englishand Portuguese, and is also online at GRACIEMAG.com (http://graciemag.com/ ).
FightBeat.com (http://fightbeat.com/ ), for news, results, interviews,and free exclusive videos from the worlds of boxing and mixed martialarts.
Thanks, Eddie Goldman