Kid Peligro Jiu-Jitsu News . . . Felipe Costa in Mexico - Hoosier Open and more
Submitted by:Kid Peligro
Brasa Mexico Ready for Felipe Costa Seminar:
The seminar with 2 times world champion Felipe Costa its very close. The students and instructors from Brasa Mexico Hermosillo are preparing for the PTP this june 6th.
The seminar will be very interesting, people from diferent regions are coming like Fabio Santos black belt Jared Vanderzyl from Yuma Arizona.Also 2007 Pan ams Champion in the purple belt division Jorge Gracia, and Hector Salgado Purple belt from La Paz Mexico.
Felipe will prepare the instructors of this academy for the world championship
PLACE: Academia Brasa Mexico, Hermosillo, Sonora.
DATE: 6-11 DE junio
More info: www.brasamexico.com or contact contacto@brasamexico.com
Eduardo Salazar - Carlos A.Acosta. Brasa Mexico Jiu Jitsu
Hoosier Open Registration Closes Soon:
Hoosier Open Competitors:
Registration closes in 7 days on Thursday, June 7th at midnight. Registration can ONLY be made online at www.usabjjtournaments.com.
Also all registration fees have to be received by Thursday, June 7th. If you are paying by check or money order plan to send in your payment early to arrive on or before June 7th. If you have registered and we have not received your payment by the registration deadline your registration will be void.
We will not be accepting any walk-in Registrations the day of the Tournament!!!!!
Another reminder, please note this year we will be following a competition schedule. Weigh-ins/check-ins are going to be done per the schedule. For more details visit our website.
9:00 a.m. Check-in for all Kids and Juniors
10:00 a.m. Competition begins for Kids and Juniors
10:00 a.m. Check-in for all Purple, Brown, and Black Belts
11:00 a.m. Competition begins for Purple, Brown, and Black Belts
11:00 a.m. Check-in for all Blue Belts
12:00 noon Competition begins for Blue Belts
1:00 p.m. Check-in for all White Belts
2:00 p.m. Competition begins for White Belts
Thank You, and we look forward to seeing you on Saturday, June 9th.