Kid Peligro Jiu-Jitsu News . . . Omar Salum in France - Sylvio Behring in Canada
Submitted by: Kid Peligro
Omar Salum in France Multiple times World Champion Omar Salum is in France right now. Omar will be conducting some seminars and private lessons. His first seminar is Sunday October 15th in Paris. For more info on the seminar and to schedule private classes contact Mathew Katic 33 0620952324
Next Sunday October 22 Omar will be in Le Mans for his second seminar. For info and to sign up contact Nico at 33 06744457670
Don't miss this chance to train and learn from one of the best in the World!
U.S. Open Final Deadline - from the promoter
Thank you to everyone who participated in Early registration for the U.S. Open XI Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Tournament! And now for the rest of you, the absolute FINAL deadline to register is Monday, October 16th, 11:59 PM Pacific Standard Time. Those of you who have come to our tournaments before know that we make no exceptions, so please register now for 'America's Favorited Tournament.'
The price for registration is now $80 Register Now at http://claudiofrancabjj.com/USOpen/usopen.htm
The Organizers of the U.S. Open
Professor Sylvio Behring is on his way to Canada. Behring will be visiting his representatives in Canada to exchange the latest technical info and to make sure everyone is up to the technical standards he requires. BEhring will meet with his partner Shah Franco of Franco Behring BJJ Alliance of Canada and will then tour and conduct seminars throughout the Country.
In Brazil Behring is Co-leader of the Asle-Behring Team with Sensei Henrique Machado and super-star Ronaldo 'Jacare'. The team is having a grand-opening of their new training center in Manaus.
Renato 'Babalu' Seminar
Renato 'Babalu' Sobral will be conducting a seminar in Canada for more info go to: http://www.kombatarts.com/Seminars/renatobabalu.jpg
Brazillian Jiu-jitsu seminar with Alliance Jiu-jitsu Black Belt Felipe 'Zicro' Neto.
October 21st 2006 at the Brazilian Jiu-jitsu Institute in Downigtown, PA, USA.
-The seminar will be 3 hours in duration from 11Am to 2 Pm.
-One day semninar
-The seminar wil be foucus on sport/competitio jiu-jitsu techniques such as: defending the guard, sweeping and reversals.
-$60.00 dollars fee
ZICRO is Black belt 2nd degree, under Romero Cavalcante - 'Jacare'; trained extensively with Fabio Gurgel, Roberto Travem, Alexandre Paiva, Rodrigo Comprido, Ricardo and Leo Vieiira, Leonardo Castelo Branco, ad others...
Zicro has plenty of experience teaching and is fluent in English as he was the assistant instrucotr at the Alliance Atlanta academy for many years. Zicro is also a graduate in Physical Education, Post graduation sport personal trainer.
Pan american medalist, Champion of Rio de janeiro state championships end many locals tournament in Brasil, Champ of Florida state Championships, Calhoum submission open and MMA.
ZICRO currently teaches at: Academia Companhia Athlética - Rio de Janeiro ( Jiu-jitsu instructor and Personal trainer), Alliance Academy Ipanema RJ. 96 a 98.
For more information please contact:http://www.bajji.com/index.html
Now go train Jiu-Jitsu,
Kid Peligro