Kid Peligro Jiu-Jitsu News . . . Tournaments Round-Up
Submitted by: Kid PeligroVision Quest Grappling Tournament - Presented by: OxiClean
The last event in our 2006 season will be a no-gi only competition open to all grapplers wanting to end the year with a bang!
November 18th, 2006
Saturday, November 18th- starting at 10:00 am
Check in begins at 9:00am- Rules will start at 10:00am, tournament begins afterwards.
Northglenn Rec Center
11801 Community Center Drive
Northglenn, CO 80233-1003
(303) 450-8800
Please do not drop off registrations at this location or call about tournament. Call RMBJJF at 888-847-8094
The fee for early registration, i.e., received by 9:00 PM, Monday, November 13th, is $50.00.
The fee for late registration (received 14th to 16th) will be $60.00. ABSOLUTELY NO REGISTRATION WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER 9:00 P.M. November 16th! Also, note that registration fee(s) are non-refundable.
May also fax registrations at 720-229-0485
We always call to confirm that we have received your fax, if you haven't heard back from us, please call and make sure that we have received your fax.
6th American International Championships Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu & Submission Grappling
Saturday November 18th
Long Beach, California (Long Beach City College)
Registration still open!
Come to Fight or Come to Watch, Just Don't Miss the Show!
The following information is available at http://grapplingtournaments.com
• Fees
• How to Enroll
• Coaches Registration Information
• Weigh-in locations and information
• Tournament Schedule
• Accommodations
• Detailed Rules
• Online Registration Form
Don't forget to register early for the 1st Annual Michigan Open Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Tournament which is scheduled for Saturday, December, 2nd in Beverly Hills, MI.
1. Registrations can only be submitted ONLINE.
2. The registration deadline is midnight NOVEMBER 30th.
3. Be sure to register early.
4. NO registrations will be accepted after the deadline. No acceptions!!
Please visit the following link for all tournament information. Michigan Open Tournament
Or visit www.cjjusa.com to access the tournament webpage.
Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you on Saturday, December 2nd.
Michigan Open Staff