Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Lovato gets the gold
Oklahoma-based teacher is the second American ever to win a BJJ blackbelt World title

Rafael Lovato went down to Brazil a couple of months ago with a mission: to get experience for the World title. He did better, conquering the BJJ Nationals (he is the cover of GRACIE Magazine July issue; are you serious you did not downloaded this free sample, in the red banner on the top-right of GRACIEMAG.com?).

However, the big achievement would not be enough for him this year, as he still planned to win the most important title of JJ, the Mundials.

And, last Sunday, at Long Beach, CA, after a very even match against Luis "Big Mac", in which both fighter only got one advantage in the score, the referee awarded Lovato his so dreamed title.

Thus, he became the second American to achieve it (the first one was now-famous MMA fighter BJ Penn).

Watch the crucial parts of this historical final and listen what Lovato had to say less than a minute after his victory: