Monday, August 13, 2007


Kid Peligro Jiu-Jitsu News . . . 2007 Worlds Final Deadline rapidly approaching
Submitted by:Kid Peligro

The last . . . final . . . no mas . . . finito . . . ultimo dia . . . jour final day to register for the 2007 Worlds is rapidly approaching. After August 16, no one, and I do mean no one will be able to register and compete int eh HUGE event. With the deadline approaching the last starggler stars will be forced to make their move. Strategy or not, comes August 16th they have to have their names in the hat and a few days later we should know for a fact who's in and who's just talking. One thing is for sure, there are still some BIG surprises in the making.

Stay tuned and register to compete in the '07 Worlds in Long Beach, CA. at

Comprido has a visitor in Chicago.

2 times absolute world Champion Rodrigo " Comprido " Medeiros will receive his student from Hermosillo Mexico Carlos Acosta. Acosta is the Instructor of Brasa Mexico Academy. Comprido will help Carlos's final preparation for the world championships. Carlos will train 10 days in Comprido's academy Flomma then follow him to Long Beach. So, Mexico will have competitors this worlds too.
For more info on Brasa Mexico visit:

Now go train Jiu-Jitsu,

Kid Peligro